My name is Valentín.
I research and write about curiosity and the way things work.

I studied philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires, where I focused on the impact of anti-science discourse on society and the development of science itself, the history and influence of the hacker ethic and its pedagogical implementation in educational settings, and I did some research in logic and artificial intelligence.
It was always very difficult for me to define what I do, most likely because I’ve done a lot of very different things. For well over a decade I worked as a web developer, before working as a creative director and then in strategy and communication. I even worked on various ambitious educational projects. Today I mostly dedicate my time to promoting curiosity through my writing.
Since 2017 I publish Cómo funcionan las cosas (“The way things work”) a weekly newsletter with more than 15 thousand subscribers that focuses on exploring my curiosity through science, philosophy, history and literature, and serves as a platform to promote a curious outlook, striving to explain how a different thing works every week.
I also frequently write about technology, philosophy and politics.